The New Council

Council tax and other charges

The new council will decide how to introduce a fairer structure for future Council Tax, as the tax is currently set at different levels across  the county. 

Whatever approach the new council takes to standardise Council Tax rates, there would be implications for local residents. Currently, residents of some districts pay relatively low rates, whereas others pay comparatively high rates.

However, given the financial benefits that the new council will bring, it is believed that there is a good opportunity to use some of those savings  to help cushion any increases in council tax for those in areas currently at the lower levels.

The new council will also decide how to introduce a fairer structure for services where charges apply and where there are different fees in different parts of the county.

Whatever approach the new council takes to standardise fees and charges, there would be implications for local residents and as such consultation would be undertaken to understand impacts and mitigate where that's possible.